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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 10 months ago

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@squadcast shared a post, 2 years ago

Introducing our open source SLO Tracker - A simple tool to track SLOs and Error Budget

Check out our open-source SLO tracker and set up your SLO's so that you can accurately track your error budgets. Automate your SRE, with Squadcast's SLO tool!

squadcast .webp
@squadcast shared a post, 2 years ago

What are Network Operation Centers (NOC) and how do NOC teams work?

In highly competitive markets, businesses have to strive hard to be always available & operational. Hence businesses invest heavily in dedicated Network Operations Centers (NOC) that constantly monitor the performance of an organization’s IT resources. In this blog, we will explore NOC and its importance.

Incident Management and SRE
@acouedelo shared a post, 3 years, 1 month ago

How to Get Started with Chaos Engineering? — Preparing for Major Disruption

When starting with Choas Engineering I recommend starting with the most critical scenarios (Severity 1) because they lead to the most improvement for your company. For instance, they force you to lay the foundation for incident response and incident management.Next are the steps you should follow to..

Mac explosion
@squadcast shared a post, 3 years, 4 months ago

How Squadcast Benefits On-call Engineers - Part 1

It is difficult to stay completely reliable in an always-on world. So it's very important to choose the right Incident Management solution that can solve your problems. In this blog, we have highlighted the benefits of Squadcast and why you should adopt it.
