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@faun shared a link, 1 month, 4 weeks ago

My $8,000 Serverless Mistake

Kevin shares a candid tale of cloud overspend with Azure Functions, highlighting their affordability and dynamic scalability but warns against extending their use with Elastic Premium for memory-heavy, persistent queues, suggesting Azure Container Apps as a resource-efficient alternative...

@faun shared a link, 1 month, 4 weeks ago

Making Code Examples Interactive with Codapi

The Codapi tool is a wrapper around Docker that enables the creation of isolated sandboxes through an API. By using Codapi, users can easily execute code and configuration commands without the need to set up local instances. The tool also offers a JavaScript widget that allows for the creation of in..

Making Code Examples Interactive with Codapi
@faun shared a link, 1 month, 4 weeks ago

How we built a dynamic Kubernetes API Server for the API Aggregation Layer in Cozystack

Andrei Kvapil shares insights on how they implemented their own extension api-server in Cozystack, exploring the API aggregation layer's benefits such as supporting imperative logic, managing subresources, using alternative backends like Postgres, and providing full control over conversion and outpu..
