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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

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@rusychokshi shared a post, 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Technical Writer,

Demystifying DevOps: Key Insights Every Developer Needs to Thrive?

Understand DevOps principles clearly if you are a developer. This article outlines the DevOps concepts for a developer's understanding

Demystifying DevOps
@vmihailenco shared a post, 10 months ago

Getting started with Kvrocks and go-redis

Learn how to use go-redis client to get started with Apache Kvrocks, a distributed key-value NoSQL database.

@vmihailenco shared a post, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Monitoring CPU/RAM/disk metrics with OpenTelemetry and Uptrace

OpenTeleletry Collector is an open source data collection pipeline that allows you to monitor CPU, RAM, disk, network metrics, and many more.

Collector itself does not include built-in storage or analysis capabilities, but you can export the data to Uptrace and ClickHouse, using them as a replacement for Grafana and Prometheus.

When compared to Prometheus, ClickHouse can offer small on-disk data size and better query performance when analyzing millions of timeseries.

@mohammad_zaigam shared a post, 1 year ago
Technical Solutions Specialist,


The unprecedented growth of data in recent years has led to a demand for evolution in traditional monitoring practices.

The current observability maturity model is a good solution but needs further augmentations.

The widely accepted model includes the following stages:

1) Monitoring (Is everything in working order?)

2) Observability (Why is it not working?)

3) Full-Stack Observability (What is the origin of the problem, and what are its consequences?)

4) Intelligent Observability (How to predict anomalies and automate response?)

LOGIQ is supporting the next stage in the model i.e, Federated Observability. In other words, data availability for consumers with on-demand convenience.

The Observability Maturity Model.png
@squadcast shared a post, 1 year, 1 month ago

Strategies for Kubernetes Cluster Administrators: Understanding Pod Scheduling

As the complexity of a Kubernetes cluster grows, managing resources such as CPU and memory becomes more challenging. Efficient pod scheduling is critical to ensure optimal resource utilization and enable a stable and responsive environment for applications to run in. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of pod scheduling, including optimization of resource allocation and balancing workloads.

Squadcast - Strategies for Kubernetes Cluster Administrators: Understanding Pod Scheduling