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@eon01 shared a post, 3 months, 4 weeks ago
Founder, FAUN

The Hottest Open Source Projects Of 2023

Welcome to our deep dive into the hottest open source tools of 2023!

In today's ever-evolving tech landscape, staying updated with the most impactful tools can be challenging. That's why we've turned to our readers, the best source of truth.

The Hottest Open Source Projects Of 2023
@huseyni shared a post, 1 year, 3 months ago
System Engineer, azfiber

What is Git Version Control System

Introduction to version control systems and their importance in software developmentVersion control systems are a crucial tool for any software development project, large or small. They allow developers to track and manage changes to the source code of a project over time, making it easy to revert b..

@eon01 shared a post, 1 year, 4 months ago
Founder, FAUN

Open AI (ChatGPT) CEO Unveils His Plan for the Future

ChatGPT may cost up to $3M per month!

OpenAI - ChatGPT CEO Unveils His Plan
@boldlink shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago
AWS DevOps Consultancy, Boldlink

IaC Security and Compliance Tools

IaC scanning tools are crucial to engineering your platform’s code securely and following your organization’s compliance and best practices by creating and enforcing the rules, through code allowing you to automate and integrate these into your software development lifecycle (SLDC).A good engineerin..

DevOps 3.jpg
@muhammadali642 shared a post, 2 years, 1 month ago

NIST’s DevSecOps guidance: This is what you should know

The NIST DevSecOps guide publication critically highlights technical security rudiments for industry-level DevSecOps integrating with cloud-native applications based on micro-services.