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Technical Content Writer

Choosing the Best Transactional Email Service

For the last month or so, I spent my days testing popular transactional email services. I played around with dozens of tools on the market and picked out 8 best-performing providers. I reviewed all of them based on pre-selected criteria. Moreover, I scraped through the reviews on software catalogs t..

@sofiatarhonska shared a post, 1 year, 5 months ago

How to Send Email Using API or SMTP

Which email transfer method should you use for sending transactional or bulk emails? Primarily, there are two options. A platform-agnostic SMTP relay is the most common one. It is based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and sometimes is the only choice that makes sense. Web APIs, however, are better than the SMTP method in many use cases and have increased in popularity. You may also want to give it a shot. Let’s find out.