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Our teams at Boldlink have Architected and Engineered many different network configurations delivering security, high availability, connectivity, and scalability. Let us break down the most common setups for a cloud-native platform.AWS Shared Responsibility ModelConsider all traffic reaching your Pl..
Serverless is pretty cool but native debugging has always been a burden for developers. In this article, I looked into a tool which makes it possible to debug AWS Lambda functions written in Node.js and Python runtimes live in production. To give just a bit more context, this VSCode plugin allows you to put a breakpoint in your Lambda code and get the stack trace without adding an overhead or breaking the full flow of the application.
It's pretty simple to configure EKS Fargate for running Tekton Pipelines, saves you the hassle of having to run nodes just for CI/CD pipelines.
Introduction to MicroservicesWith the advent of handheld devices, there is a paradigm shift in usage and demand for Enterprise Software. On one hand, most of the companies have large complex and monolithic systems in place which take care of huge and complex business scenarios, rules, and computatio..
When and how to use Amazon Aurora Serverless databases?
Is a Bun takeover inevitable, or a goodbye to NodeJS? Take your pick as we discuss Bun - features, ease of installation and usage with AWS Lambda.