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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

The art and science of developing intelligent apps with OpenAI GPT-3, DALL·E 2, CLIP, and Whisper.

Explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence and solve real-world problems!

In this practical guide, you will build intelligent real-world applications using GPT-3, DALL-E, Whisper, CLIP, and more tools from the OpenAI and ML ecosystem.

Rest assured, you don't need to be a data scientist or machine learning engineer to follow this guide!

The art and science of developing intelligent apps with OpenAI GPT-3, DALL·E 2, CLIP, and Whisper.
@godfryd shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago
software engineer, Graphcore

What is Wrong with Your Testing?

Kraken CI is a new Continuous Integration tool. It is a modern, open-source, on-premise CI/CD system that is highly scalable and focused on testing. It is licensed under Apache 2.0 license. Its source code is available on Kraken CI GitHub page.

@muhammadali642 shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago

10 Kubernetes Security Best Practices

Kubernetes security is critical throughout the life of the container due to the dynamic and distributed nature of a cluster.

@muhammadali642 shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago

Top 15 Open Source GitOps Tools

By leveraging tools that are customary to a developer’s workflow, GitOps makes infrastructure definition and management inclusive for developers. It allows developers and operations teams to collaborate on the state of an application’s environment through a pull/merge request.

@muhammadali642 shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago

What are the alternatives to S3?

Sometimes Amazon S3 might not be serving you as you need and need some features or want to move out of the big 3 providers due to charges of which you’re not using much of their services.

@dijodaiju shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago

DevOps & DecSecOps Roadmap [From beginner to an expert]

In this blog, I will be explaining the path that I’m following in my DevOps journey.

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