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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 4 months ago

The art and science of developing intelligent apps with OpenAI GPT-3, DALL·E 2, CLIP, and Whisper.

Explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence and solve real-world problems!

In this practical guide, you will build intelligent real-world applications using GPT-3, DALL-E, Whisper, CLIP, and more tools from the OpenAI and ML ecosystem.

Rest assured, you don't need to be a data scientist or machine learning engineer to follow this guide!

The art and science of developing intelligent apps with OpenAI GPT-3, DALL·E 2, CLIP, and Whisper.
@squadcast shared a post, 3 weeks, 2 days ago

How to Implement SRE Principles Even Without a Dedicated SRE Team

This blog post targets beginners who want to learn about SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) but are intimidated by the idea of needing a dedicated SRE team. The blog assures readers that anyone can begin implementing SRE principles to improve their service reliability and performance.

The core of the blog focuses on understanding SLOs (Service Level Objectives), SLIs (Service Level Indicators), and error budgets. SLOs define what you want your service to achieve in terms of metrics like uptime and latency. SLIs are the specific metrics you track to see if you're meeting your SLOs. Error budgets set the limits for downtime allowed before impacting users or business goals.

Choosing the right SLOs and SLIs is crucial and should start with considering what matters most to your customers. The blog recommends focusing on a few key metrics, gathering historical data to set achievable SLOs, and continuously monitoring and improving your approach over time.

Beyond SLOs and SLIs, the blog highlights other important SRE practices:

Eliminating toil (repetitive manual tasks) through automation.

Implementing rollback strategies to quickly recover from problematic deployments.

Managing stress and burnout for IT teams.

Keeping customers informed about limitations and downtime.

The overall message is that SRE is a journey of continuous improvement, and even organizations without a dedicated SRE team can benefit by adopting these core practices.

@squadcast shared a post, 1 month ago

Mastering Service Level Objective Implementation: A Practical Guide

This blog post explores Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Indicators (SLIs) and how to implement them effectively using the IIDARR process. SLOs are targets for how well a service should perform, while SLIs are the metrics used to measure that performance.

The IIDARR process outlines five key steps for implementing SLOs:

Identify: Determine the critical SLIs that directly impact customer experience.

Instrument: Gather data on those SLIs by choosing a data collection and storage method.

Define: Set specific SLO targets based on historical data and desired customer experience.

Alert: Establish alerts to notify engineers when SLOs are at risk of being violated.

Report/Refine: Regularly review SLO data and adjust targets or processes as needed.

The blog emphasizes that SLOs should be actionable and customer-centric. By following these steps and avoiding common pitfalls, organizations can leverage SLOs to improve service quality, communication between teams, and decision-making.

@squadcast shared a post, 1 month, 1 week ago

How SRE is Changing IT Operations: A Guide for Businesses

This blog post explores Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and its growing impact on IT operations. SRE emphasizes a software-first approach, proactive problem-solving, and collaboration between development and operations teams. The blog post also details steps businesses can take to implement the SRE model and highlights the importance of SRE tools like Squadcast. Overall, the blog emphasizes that SRE is a powerful approach that can improve IT operations and ensure a business's IT infrastructure remains reliable and meets user needs.

@squadcast shared a post, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Building Sustainable SLOs: How to Align User Needs with Business Goals (and Keep Your Customers Happy)

This blog post explains how to create Service Level Objectives (SLOs) that consider both user needs and business goals. Well-defined SLOs lead to a win-win situation for both users and businesses.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

What are SLOs? SLOs are measurable targets that define the performance expectations of a system. They are used to ensure a balance between user experience and technical limitations.

Why are SLOs important? SLOs help improve user satisfaction by ensuring a reliable system, enhance system performance through a focus on continuous improvement, and streamline operations by guiding resource allocation and prioritization.

Building User-Centric SLOs: Involve users in the process by gathering data on their behavior and expectations. Analyze system logs and review business processes to understand performance capabilities and downtime requirements.

Defining SMART SLOs: Ensure your SLOs are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Exceeding SLO Targets: Implement technical enhancements, improve monitoring practices, and establish a disaster recovery plan to optimize performance and minimize downtime.

Benefits of Effective SLOs: Improved customer satisfaction, enhanced system performance, and streamlined operations.

By following these steps, you can create SLOs that bridge the gap between technical operations and business objectives, resulting in a reliable and performant system that keeps users happy and businesses successful.

@squadcast shared a post, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Transparency in Incident Response: How SLIs Drive Team Success

This blog post argues that transparency is a vital but often overlooked aspect of SRE (Site Reliability Engineering). It discusses the benefits of transparency, including reduced finger-pointing, improved trust, and better decision-making. The blog post also outlines four levels of transparency that SRE teams can adopt, ranging from internal engineering transparency to complete public transparency. It emphasizes that Service Level Indicators (SLIs) are fundamental to achieving transparency because they provide a common understanding of how well a service is performing. The blog post concludes by highlighting the importance of using the right tools to support transparent incident response and mentions Squadcast as an example.

@squadcast shared a post, 2 months ago

Shifting Security Left in DevOps: How to Catch Bugs Early and Deliver Faster (and More Secure) Software

This blog post explores how DevSecOps practices can be improved by Shifting Security Left (SSL) in the development lifecycle. SSL emphasizes integrating security measures throughout the development process, rather than waiting until the later stages.

The blog defines SLO (Service Level Objective) as a target metric within an SLA (Service Level Agreement) that defines the desired performance for a service. In DevSecOps, SLOs can target application uptime, response times, or security vulnerability fix rates.

Implementing Shift-Left security involves planning (threat modeling, acceptance criteria, SLOs) and implementation (automating security checks throughout the development pipeline).

Benefits of SSL include early bug detection, improved developer security awareness, faster releases, and reduced risk. Challenges include cultural shifts and training needs within an organization.

The blog concludes by acknowledging the importance of incident management even with SSL. It introduces Squadcast, an incident management tool designed for SRE teams, as an alternative to Pagerduty.

@squadcast shared a post, 2 months ago

How to Implement SRE Practices Even Without a Dedicated SRE Team

This blog post tackles how to implement core Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles even if you don't have a dedicated SRE team. It simplifies complex SRE concepts like error budgets, SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs, making them understandable for beginners.

The blog post offers a step-by-step guide to get you started with SRE, including:

Defining what matters to your customers (SLIs)

Setting achievable targets for those metrics (SLOs)

Considering how much downtime you can afford (error budgets)

Identifying and automating repetitive tasks (toil)

Implementing ways to easily rollback deployments if necessary

Prioritizing team well-being to avoid burnout

Maintaining open communication to set realistic expectations

Overall, the blog emphasizes that SRE is a gradual process that can significantly improve your system's reliability and provide a better customer experience.

@squadcast shared a post, 2 months, 1 week ago

Understanding SLOs, SLAs, and SLIs: Essential Metrics for Service Quality

This blog post explains the concepts of SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs, all of which are important for measuring and ensuring service quality.

SLI (Service Level Indicator): A measurable value that reflects how well a service is performing. Common examples include uptime, latency, error rate, and throughput.

SLO (Service Level Objective): A target value for an SLI. It essentially defines the desired level of service quality.

SLA (Service Level Agreement): A formal agreement between a service provider and its customers that outlines the service quality guarantees, often based on SLOs. SLAs typically involve penalties if the SLOs are not met.

The blog post also highlights the benefits of SLOs and provides best practices for implementing SLAs and SLOs. Some key takeaways include:

SLOs help teams collaborate and set measurable goals for service quality.

SLAs should be transparent and based on realistic SLOs.

It's better to start with simpler SLOs and gradually increase complexity.

Timing of outages can significantly impact customer satisfaction.

By understanding these concepts, organizations can establish a framework to deliver high-quality services and maintain a competitive edge.

@squadcast shared a post, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Understanding SLO, SLI, and SLA: A Guide with a Free, Open-Source SLO Tracker Tool

This blog post explains the concepts of SLO, SLI, and SLA, which are all important for ensuring that a service meets expectations for reliability. It also introduces a free, open-source tool named SLO Tracker that helps users track SLOs and Error Budgets.

Here are the key takeaways:

SLO (Service Level Objective): A target for how often a specific aspect of a service should be available or functional (e.g., 99.9% uptime).

SLI (Service Level Indicator): A measurable metric that reflects an SLO (e.g., percentage of time a service is up).

SLA (Service Level Agreement): A formal agreement between a service provider and its customers that outlines the expected level of service (including SLOs and consequences for not meeting them).

The blog post also highlights the challenges of SLO monitoring and how SLO Tracker can help by providing features like:

A unified dashboard for viewing SLOs and SLIs.

Error Budget visualization and alerts.

Integration with observability tools.

Ability to manage false positive alerts.

@yair_stark shared a post, 2 years, 5 months ago

Error Budget Is All You Need - Part 2

In part 1 I proposed a simple modification to Google’s Multi-Window Multi-Burn Rate alerting setup and I showed how this modification addresses the cases of varying-traffic services and typical latency SLOs.

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