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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

The art and science of developing intelligent apps with OpenAI GPT-3, DALL·E 2, CLIP, and Whisper.

Explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence and solve real-world problems!

In this practical guide, you will build intelligent real-world applications using GPT-3, DALL-E, Whisper, CLIP, and more tools from the OpenAI and ML ecosystem.

Rest assured, you don't need to be a data scientist or machine learning engineer to follow this guide!

The art and science of developing intelligent apps with OpenAI GPT-3, DALL·E 2, CLIP, and Whisper.
@squadcast shared a post, 1 week, 2 days ago

Sentry vs Bugsnag: Choosing the Right Error Monitoring Tool

This blog post compared Sentry and Bugsnag, two popular error monitoring tools for software development teams. Here's a summary:

Both tools effectively identify and fix errors. Sentry offers a wider range of features, including performance monitoring and user feedback capture, while Bugsnag excels at delivering actionable insights through automatic error grouping.

Integration with development workflows is easy for both. They provide SDKs and plugins for various programming languages and frameworks.

Customization is a key strength of Sentry. It allows for tailoring error tracking and reporting, while Bugsnag prioritizes pre-configured insights with features like smart notifications.

User interfaces are modern and user-friendly. Sentry offers more customization options for dashboards and workflows, while Bugsnag focuses on prominent error grouping and search functionalities.

Pricing caters to different team sizes. Sentry has a free plan ideal for small teams, while Bugsnag offers a free trial and caters more towards enterprises with advanced features.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your team's needs. Choose Sentry for extensive customization and a free plan, or Bugsnag for actionable insights and advanced features for larger projects.