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@divya_mohan0209 shared a post, 3 years ago

Getting started with K8s in 2022

Kubernetes has been around for almost 7 years as of 2022. While its ecosystem has evolved with a plethora of fantastic resources in the form of documentation (shameless self-plug, I know), blogposts, videos, podcasts, and courses, there still is a pretty high entry level barrier if you’re entirely new to it. A majority of the questions I’ve received are around the very first step to be taken while learning and what is a good way to get started. This is a compilation I wish I had when I got started and I hope you find it useful.

@divya_mohan0209 started using WebAssembly , 3 years, 1 month ago.
@divya_mohan0209 started using React , 3 years, 1 month ago.