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@faun shared a link, 1 year, 1 month ago

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@javinpaul shared a post, 2 years ago
Blogger, Programmer, Developer

11 Best Coursera Certifications and Courses to Start Career in IT, Blockchain, and Data Science

Are you looking for the best Coursera certifications and courses to start your career in IT, Data Science, Blockchain, and other greenfield areas? Then these resources can help you

@adhithia shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago
MBA Student, IIT Kharagpur - VGSOM

Regression Regularization Techniques — Ridge and Lasso

We talk and hear a lot about Regression everywhere we go. So let us skip that. In this article, we shall assume that we are masters of Regression and we have already completed building a Linear Regression Model on a given dataset.

@phicygni shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago
Software Engineer, Phi Cygni

A complete Prometheus based email monitoring system using docker compose

Need help setting up a monitoring system? Here’s a complete, easy to deploy, dockerised monitoring system for a local development environment with email alerts.

The open source software Prometheus is an effective and reliable way of monitoring a software service like a web application. It will monitor your service and notify you when it goes down. In addition Prometheus also collects numerous kinds of metric data from the target for diagnostics and display purposes. Presented below is a convenient and reliable docker compose script with a complete ensemble of components useful for running a complete Prometheus monitoring system in a local environment for evaluation and integration testing purposes. Be operational with one docker command. Included in the compose design are containers for Prometheus, Prometheus Alertmanager, Mailhog (a test SMTP server) and some Python code acting as a target to be continuously monitored. Prometheus is also able to monitor code developed in Node, Java, Ruby, Go, Rust, C++, C# and PHP to name a few [3]. Easily update the compose script to incorporate your particular service to be monitored.

Need help setting up a monitoring system? Here’s a complete, easy to deploy, dockerised monitoring system for a local development environment with email alerts.
@davide_pollicino shared a post, 2 years, 2 months ago
Software Engineer

Django App deployment on Azure — Azure Plugin, CI/CD, security configurations, and data persistence

Deploying and configuring a Django application has never been so easy with azure, and below, I will show how to set up and configure your own Django app.

@qramkrishna shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago
Associate Data Scientist, eXtenso Data

Air Mouse: Doing Mouse Operations Using Finger Gestures

Hey surfer, in this blog, I am going to write about how can we do basic mouse operations like move pointer, click, double click and right click using only finger gestures.