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@faun shared a link, 1 week ago

6 tools that made my life much easier as a Software Engineer

Software engineers often need tools to simplify daily tasks and boost productivity. A refined GitHub browser extension can add useful features, such as linking back to PR workflows and matching PR titles to commit titles. Other tools like Maccy, Rectangle, Lunar, and Amphetamine can also enhance wor..

6 tools that made my life much easier as a Software Engineer
@faun shared a link, 1 week ago

4 Software Design Principles I Learned the Hard Way

There are two sources of truth, one of which is likely incorrect. Omlet is a new component analytics tool for React developers that helps drive component adoption and improves code reusability. Flink and Datadog can be used to enhance data observability within a service by providing two log levels: ..

4 Software Design Principles I Learned the Hard Way
@faun shared a link, 1 week ago

A 100x speedup with unsafe Python

Speed up your Python code by using unsafe operations in Rust instead of numpy arrays, depending on the specific circumstances. Improve performance by understanding array layouts and strides, as well as adapting to surface layouts for pygame in order to avoid slowdowns...

A 100x speedup with unsafe Python