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@eon01 shared a post, 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Founder, FAUN

Debugging User-specific Issues in Cloud-native Applications

Log data volumes are increasing for many organizations, making it challenging to identify and resolve user-specific issues efficiently. Traditional logging often fails to meet the demands of this task effectively, and alternatives have emerged as potential solutions to this pressing issue. Lightrun is one of these alternatives that offers conditional logging, allowing developers to log only what's needed and quickly pinpoint the root cause of user-specific issues.

@eon01 shared a Humand Behind Code story, 1 year ago
Founder, FAUN

Bernard Halas, Lead Engineer of Claudie: Enabling Kubernetes Freedom Across Clouds

Claudie is a platform for managing multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters, with each nodepool in a different cloud provider. It supports cloud bursting, service interconnect, managed Kubernetes for providers that do not offer it, and cost savings.

Today, we are talking with Bernard Halas, the Lead Engineer of Claudie. Read on to learn more about the human and the code!

Bernard Halas, Claudie Founder
@eon01 added a new tool Claudie , 1 year ago.