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@adediwura shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago

Getting Started with Docker Containers pt.2

This blog post is a continuation of this blog post where I attempted to give an introduction of Microservices and Docker containers. In this post we are going to delve deeper into Docker containers and get hands-on practice which should give a better understanding.

@adediwura shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago

Getting Started With Docker Containers

Every once in a while a new paradigm shift comes along that changes or brings another approach to the way software development is done. The “new” paradigm shift I will be talking about in this article is Containers.

@koushikmgithub shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago

Sample SpringBoot application on Knative — A Serverless platform

Today I will explain some interesting topic ‘Knative’ — a serverless architecture and how we can utilize it with a simple SpringBoot application. I will not go for all the details about Knative but will focus on a few features of it and how we can simply utilize those features in our application.

@devgru shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago
Rython Devgru Limited

GitHub Container Registry: Publish A Postgres Docker Image

The Postgres implementation on the target project is part of a larger DB architecture which includes elements of MongoDB and DynamoDB. It’s only fair that I use a tool that scales easily with AWS.

@meibutuoyaji shared a post, 2 years, 3 months ago
cloud security engineer

[Docker security] An Overview of Docker Security Essentials

In this article, we will see the best practices for Docker host security based on 6 scenarios.