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5 Steps to improve your Programming Skills

5 Steps to improve your Programming Skills

To improve our programming skills, the first thing we need to understand is the Basic Syntax of every Language. Every programming language, like C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, etc. Have their own Syntax; please make sure the foundation should be always strong.

Once you know the Syntax, please use the following steps mentioned.

  1. Algorithms & Data Structure:
    1. Step 1: Understand Depth vs. Breadth,
    2. Step 2: Start the Depth-First Approach — make a list of core questions,
    3. Step 3: Master each data structure,
    4. Step 4: Spaced Repetition,
    5. Step 5: Isolate techniques that are reused. Isolate actual code blocks,
    6. Step 6: Now, it’s time for Breadth,
    7. Step 7: Practice on paper.
  2. Read others' Code:
    1. Step 1: Learn to Dig,
    2. Step 2: Go Back in Time,
    3. Step 3: Read the Specs,
    4. Step 4: Think of Comments as Hints,
    5. Step 5: Find the Main,
    6. Step 6: Notice Style,
    7. Step 7: Expect to Find Garbage,
    8. Step 8: Don’t Get Lost. There are some open sources like GitHub, Stack overflow, etc. Try to read the concepts from the code.
  3. Competitive Programming:
    1. Step 1: Choose any well-known programming language used for Competitive programming,
    2. Step 2: Choose some platforms to practice Competitive programming and participate in contests,
    3. Step 3: Get your hands dirty in Data Structures,
    4. Step 4: Get your hands dirty in Algorithms,
    5. Step 5: Keep Practicing practicing …….. Practicing.
  4. Explore other programming languages: Don’t stick to one programming language. Learn different programming languages like Python, Java, C & C++, PHP, Ruby, etc.
  5. Build Projects:
    1. Step 1: Ideas for Coding Projects
      Struggling to decide what you should make for your coding project? Here are seven ideas that you can either use as is or use as inspiration to think of your own ideas.
    2. Step 2: How to Plan a Coding Project
      Don’t rush into your project blindly. Planning your project is an important part of the process, and it will give you a better end result. Here’s how to turn your idea into a proper plan.
    3. Step 3: How to Build a Coding Project
      Time to turn your plan into a reality. Learn about useful coding tools, sources of help for when you get stuck, and putting the finishing touches on your product.

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