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@adammetis shared a post, 4 weeks, 1 day ago
DevRel, Metis

Journey to modern databases

Choosing a database is hard, however, maintaining it afterward is even harder. In this post, we talk about elements to focus on, tooling, monitoring, and other aspects of keeping the database up and running.

A journey to modern databases@2x
@adammetis shared a post, 4 weeks, 1 day ago
DevRel, Metis

PostgreSQL on steroids - how to ace your database configuration

Databases are complex beasts. They have options for various areas like memory usage, backups, write-ahead-logs, monitoring, replication, and many more. Installing a database is just the beginning, we need to configure it accordingly later on to match our needs. In this blog post we cover the most important settings you should use.

PostgreSQL on steroids - how to ace your database configuration@2x
@adammetis shared a post, 1 month, 1 week ago
DevRel, Metis

The Essential Guide to Database Backup: Tips & Strategies

To implement an efficient database backup strategy, we need to learn the methods, understand the pros and cons, and then learn how to avoid pitfalls. Let’s see different backup methods that we can apply in our business to make it grow.
