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@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago

Sending emails from Google Sheets

Google Sheets are great! Need to perform some advanced calculations? Store an enormous amount of data? Fetch from external services on a regular basis? They can do it all and a lot more too. Another useful but maybe not so well known feature is the ability to send emails from Google Sheets. How does it work? How do you set it up? Let’s see!

@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago

What the SMTP Authentication Is and Why You Can’t Ignore It

How would you feel if anyone could send emails from your mail server? Greenlight for spammers – no way! That’s why Google and other email service providers protect their servers from unauthorized use. Senders need to authenticate and prove that they have a valid account. If they don’t, the server will reject their request. All of this is possible with SMTP authentication, also known as SMTP AUTH.

@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 6 months ago

Sending emails from SQL Server

Very often, we’re asked to extract some data from a database. If the request repeats regularly, it’s worth looking into automating it so you don’t have to perform this boring procedure over and over again. For this reason, you’ll probably want to send emails from SQL Server with the predefined content. And it’s not that hard to set up.

Of course, emailing in SQL Server doesn’t need to only be about exporting data. You may simply want to keep yourself (or a colleague of yours) updated when, for example, a backup is finished or a programmed job fails miserably. With built-in functionalities, this can easily be done too.

We cover several different approaches and let you choose which works best for your needs.