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@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 7 months ago

Recommended Maximum Email Size and Proven Ways to Optimize It

Every email sending provider has its own maximum email size limit. However, there is no unique standard – limits are dictated mostly by performance and security reasons. There are many things you should keep in mind when preparing your email notifications or newsletters: from the maximum size of file attachments and HTML part to the email client your recipients will most likely use. Also, there are some not so obvious factors, which impact the actual email size and deliverability.

@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 7 months ago

HTML5 Email Validation Tutorial

There it goes. Yet another email bounces because a user mistyped it or assumed (rightly so) that your site would accept hwebfdherw@fhberwfuy as a valid email address. If your list is flooded with such addresses, you are likely to experience poor deliverability or your users getting locked out of their accounts more often than you would wish. Luckily, it’s easy to set up a decent email validation in HTML5. Let’s see how.

Story Mailtrap Team
@nataliiapolomkina shared a post, 1 year, 7 months ago

Python Options to Validate Email

When you gather emails from your users or visitors, you want to make sure they’re valid and functional. Otherwise, you risk cutting users off from their accounts or cluttering your database with fake addresses you’ll have no use for. Luckily, there are several fairly obvious approaches to validating emails in Python.