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Cloud Resource Tagging with Resoto

We just published an overhaul of our blog post "Cloud Tagging with Resoto", and if you're looking to shine a light into the black box called cloud, then this one's for you. 

In the post, we show how to maintain good tag hygiene and make tag maintenance easy. In our example, we consider a scenario where an internal policy demands that all AWS S3 buckets and EC2 volumes carry a tag with key


and value corresponding to a department or project. Let's assume the case-sensitive tag is sometimes misspelled. Three tactics:


  1. Check

  2. Fix

  3. Prevent


For "Check", we find all resources that fall under the policy, and check which ones and how many of them have a typo. This search will produce all EC2 volumes and S3 buckets:

> search is(aws_ec2_volume) or is(aws_s3_bucket) | count
​total matched: 314159
​total unmatched: 0

As I don't have an idea of all the possible typos, I search for all tags of all resources, and count how often they occur.

> search is(aws_ec2_volume) or is(aws_s3_bucket) | jq '.tags | keys | .[] | {name:.}' | flatten | count /name
​Name: 123
​CostCenter: 42331
​costcenter: 271828
​name: 359632
​owner: 389374

For "Fix", I add a new tag to resources, taking the value from the existing tag:

> search is(aws_ec2_volume) or is(aws_s3_bucket) and tags.CostCenter != null | tag update costcenter {tags.CostCenter}

Then I delete the incorrect tag.

> search is(aws_ec2_volume) or is(aws_s3_bucket) and tags.CostCenter != null | tag delete CostCenter

Quick double-check if the numbers now add up:

> search is(aws_ec2_volume) or is(aws_s3_bucket) and tags.costcenter != null | count
​total matched: 314159
​total unmatched: 0

They do - great!

For "Prevent", it's time to set up automation so I don't have to do this manually anymore. The above steps are all exploratory. But I'd rather let the machines do the work, so I schedule an hourly job:

> jobs add --id repair_tags --wait-for-event collect_done: search is(aws_ec2_volume) or is(aws_s3_bucket) and tags.CostCenter != null | tag update costcenter {tags.CostCenter}

Finally, I do want our engineers to know. So I set up an alert when an incorrect tag pops up, in either Discord or Slack.

> jobs add --id notify_missing_tags --wait-for-event post_collect 'search is(aws_ec2_volume) or is(aws_s3_bucket) and tags.costcenter = null | discord title="Resources missing `costcenter` tag"

That's it! 


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Lars Kamp

Co-founder at Some Engineering Inc. - we build Resoto, an open source cloud asset inventory.
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